Tuesday, July 8, 2008



After being stuck in my hometown all my life, I'm finally going somewhere. I finally found an interest that is setting my career path, and I hope I'm approaching it the right way, if there is a right way. The interest is Korean, sometimes I doubt myself, am I really passionate? Many people I know that are interested in the Korean Culture and Lifestyle seem to be more dedicated. Either way I love it and I'm dying to learn more each and everyday. BUT! I don't have many Korean friends and access to Korean information because its hard to find free time when I'm not tired. I learn most of my Korean stuff from dramas, movies, music, blogs, and the
internet of course and the few books I have. But as I say to myself everyday 화이팅! Just when everyone is doubting me I hope to fight to the top. Well, to a stable career path and a happy life (to me debt free with my own place). So I'm moving to Ktown LA in 3.5 weeks! And I am BROKE! No, I'm not in debt I just barely have money, as in a don't know what month 2 of Ktown is going to look like. I guess I'll have to go into DEBT. >.<
Why the move? I'm going to school there and Ktown is not a bad place to live since I can't goto Seoul right now, and its close to school. Hopefully I'll survive LA, traffic/ghetto/ being a girl by herself. I've made a few friends here and there, but none in the Ktown/downtown LA area just a lot of people I meet at the clubs bc of my job here @ my hometown hopefully I can secure a spot in LA then thats one job down. Anyway, as of now everything is up in the air! All I know is I have a place in Ktown but for how long??? Anyway going to school Asian Studies Major Emphasis in Korean(no prior learning except teaching myself) and LOOKING FOR A JOB! Full time or part time as long as I can make rent which is $625. Why all the trouble? one word. Se7en.

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