Saturday, August 9, 2008

endless things to do

So I went back home after 5 days! ha yea I'm a little homesick. Now that I'm out of a job and school for a month, I felt like I had absolutely nothing to do! NOT! I currently do not like the place I'm staying at so I'm moving! I found a place via craig's list, some girl needs a roommate and she lives 5 mins. from school, so we met up everything seems to workout. A lot of STRESSFUL moments aka possible DRAMA! First I had to let my manager know I wanted to move out, but I couldn't find her so I left her a written notice, no reply. I was afraid she was mad and wouldn't give me back my deposit, she is Korean ya know. Also, this girl that has her apt for rent I don't even know her, so I was afraid she would rip me off and run off with my money. But she drew up some doc. and we're meeting up so I hope everything works out bc her place is much better than the closet I currently live in. Also, the JOB SEARCH is never ending. I'm terrified bc I applied to some jobs via Craig's list with my personal info like my name number and address, but no response. So I'm not doing that again. However, on the bright side, theres a restaurant hiring and told me to come in to apply I'm doing that when I leave back up to my dreadful closet. Also, my manager emailed me today saying she accepts my notice and not to worry about deposit! YEAY! I can sleep again. Now, I just need to worry about the next move in and a job. I hope I get this restaurant job unless something good pops up like working at the bank, but it sounds stressful so I might pass.
My other issue right now is MONEY, isn't it everyones issue now a days? I'm really running low, so I need a job asap. Also, I've been ripped off, I think. I ended up applying for Se7en fan club, but the money wiring is confusing. I wired money to their account, but my bank didn't put my name or anything. And since I applied and did the wire... Nothing... There goes $95. Also Tmobile is a b!tch! never sign up with them! I was told my contract ended in September so I was like ok that soon so I got a new phone (which I'm very happy with), and yesterday they told me March 2009! I was like what I have to pay 2 phones bills for 7 more months! I calculated that and the Tmobile bill is 252 and to cancel its 240. I canceled, why pay that much when I'm not going to use it. Gosh there goes $240 down the drain bc of my stupid moves. WAKE UP KO ARA!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Aw.. sorry to hear about the Se7en fan club thing. Did you send an e-mail confirmation to ygmail afterwards?
Or maybe talk to your bank? I'm sure something can be cleared up.

You can try to ask question the Q&A section of or

Don't give up!